New Chapter

Created by karen 12 years ago
kai is one of twins they were born at 26 weeks gestation.On the 8th of march 2009 i woke up in labour for my twins we went into hospital straight away i was terrified as my babies should not have been coming yet.I was taken to the deliverey room and was given steroids to help make the babys lungs stronger and also tablets to try and slow down my labour but they were determined they were gonna be born.the nicu was informed and the room was suddenly filled with lots of specialists.and alot of equipment i was terrified .after a short time kai was born he weighed 940 grammes they immediately set to work helping him to breathe two minutes later his twin ben was born weighing 942 grammes .they were so small i was quickly allowed to kiss them and they were immediately taken to scbu/nicu i was completely terrifed i just wanted to run after them ,but was told i had to wait for a bit as i had just given soon as i was cleaned up they took me up to the unit.I couldnt wait to see my babys when i got there they had been intubated to help them breather as their lungs were not strong enough and they were inside incubators with lots of tubes and wires attatched to them i was so scared .
